Mnemonic URLs

Corporate Messaging
● Can the audience retype the link from memory?
● Can they retype it by only looking at it?
● Does it tolerate resembling characters like 0 and O?
● Can it be reused over again?
● Can it have dictionary word combinations?

What are Mnemonic URLs?

Typed from Memory
Typed from Memory

They are meant to be typed either by looking at or from memory.

Case Insensitivity URL shortener
Case Insensitive

URLs work regardless of capitalization; /Mfa, /MFA, and /mfa are treated the same.

Mistake Tolerance
Mistake Tolerant

Handles similar-looking characters seamlessly, such as (/T0T is same as TOT, and BIT same as BlT).

Reusable Links

They are small because they can be reused over again.

Intentionally Short Design
Dictionary Words

Organizations are free to make strategy and use dictionary words like